"Fantasmagorie" is a French animation movie made by Émile Cohl in 1908, which's considered the first animated cartoon ever.
Émil Cohl was a French graphic artist and he's also the first cartoon filmmaker in Europe. In the year of 1908, he joined the Gaumont film company as a writer, then moved to making animated films. He actually made a lot of films (more than 250 products), using drawings, puppets, cut-outs, and more.
Cohl's film of "Fantasmagorie“ (or also known as Phantasmagoria in English) is likely the very first animated film in the history.
Fantasmagorie defined as "a constantly shifting complex succession of things seen or imaged“. Émil Cohl worked on this film for around 5 months. He had drawn each frame on paper which he shot onto negative film. For this film, each frame on paper takes him about 80 seconds to complete, and he had to draw totally about 700 pictures which he photographed later. The colors in the negatives weren’t inverted on the film; therefore, it looks like chalk on a blackboard though it was originally drawn with a black pen on white paper.
The film has no real story or structure. You can see different scenes that are morphing into other different images. In the 1st scene, a hand is drawing a little clown which doubles as a chubby guy who falls into a chair in a theater.
(Source of information: http://www.lomography.com/)
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